Creative Cowgirl

Rustic Western DIY Gift-Quick

Rustic Western DIY Gift-Quick

In our small western town, we don’t have any stores within a 20-mile radius other than a general store, which has basic food stuff, like a convenience store. Now if I was well organized, which I attempt, I could purchase something on my weekly shopping trip.  But sometimes things come up or I just plain forgot it on my list.

I don’t have a green thumb, but I really try.  I am the eternal optimist when it comes to gardening.  I know there’s many a time when I say to myself, “just go buy a crate of peaches”. It sure would be cheaper than some of my gardening failures.

One of the varieties of plants that I am successful growing are succulents.

I love that you can propagate more by just cutting off a branch and sticking it in moist soil-so easy.  For this reason, I have often used this method for a quick gift.

Here’s my quick gift tip.

Keep a variety of clay pots on hand.  I love their look. They fit in with rustic, cowgirl, hacienda and western looks.  I tend to have a variety of sizes that I pick up at the discount store.  Other types of containers work too.

Take one and give it a quick personalized touch with the chalk paint.  I have several colors around because of the other projects I’ve created. There’s always a little left over. Many large stores now carry chalk paint in smaller containers, which can be used as well.

Using a craft paint brush, lightly brush around the pot with the chalk paintWhen dry give it a quick spray with an acrylic sealer. Easy peasy. I love chalk paint.  It is easy to work with and goes far.  Using a 29 ounce can, I was able to paint a whole china cabinet and still had paint left over for this and three other small projects. You can get chalk paint almost anywhere or make your own.

I finish it off with a ribbon or string around the top. Different ribbons or ties can give it a rustic or western look. Anchor it in place with a dab from my faithful glue gun.  A uncooperative bow will stay in place with a quick glob of glue.

Add a few pebbles in the bottom of the pot for drainage fill with soil, and plop-a very technical term, your succulent cutting in. Voila!

Multiples of these pots in a tray, can be even more decorative. Use a different succulent in each.

Materials needed:

  • Clay pot
  • Chalk paint
  • Paint brush
  • Acrylic Spray
  • Ribbon or string
  • Soil
  • Plant
  • Glue or glue gun

Step 1- lightly paint the pot with horizontal strokes.  The project has a more “rustic” look if the brush strokes are visible and  it isn’t a solid color.

Step 2-Spray with an acrylic spray.  It will help maintain the paint if it is outside or subjected to water.

Step 3-Tie a ribbon or string around the pot,  Glue in place.


Step 4-Add soil and plant.

Voila! You have a cute hostess from your home to theirs.